Transformational Testimonials About Dr. Stan
Learning to See Auras:
“I keep the Kirlian Photograph that Dr. Stan gifted me with right on top of my dresser and look at it every day. This photograph reminds me that everything in the universe is connected”
Deepak Chopra, M.D., F.A.C.P.
Co-founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, the founder of the Chopra Foundation, and a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. He is board certified in internal medicine, endocrinology, and metabolism. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, and a clinical professor in the Family Medicine and Public Health Department at the University of California, San Diego.
He is the author of more than 85 books translated into over 43 languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His recent books include You Are the Universe, co-authored with Menas Kafatos, Ph.D.; Quantum Healing (Revised and Updated): Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine; and The Healing Self, co-authored with Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D. Learn more
“I have a new appreciation for what is not apparent in ordinary life.”
Merlin Daily, Art Dealer
“1 didn’t think at first! was going to be able to see – then I saw a golden outline and as soon as I accepted that what I saw was real, then the colors came! It was easier than I thought it would be. I enjoyed the seminar so much.”
Cindy Hale, Biochemist
“More classes! It’s great. I saw very light colors of golden-yellow and green or possibly blue/violet. Excitement-Wonderment.”
Carol Bastian, Paralegal
“A wonderful and well organized presentation. Feeling the aura I experienced very clear sensations and enjoyed all of it.”
Caralee Aber, Business Manager
“I saw for the first time, the electric energy that can come out of an aura (looks like lightening), Excited.”
Jennifer Manley, Teacher, Healer, Mother
“Enjoyable and illuminating experience. Amazement”!
Wendy Voihard, Animal Behaviorist
“I’m telling myself relax, and feeling more relaxed, and I see a small golden rim emerge -Excitedly I see it and its gone. Relax, Relax, soften eyes. Non-technique, more relaxed, heavy. Try softer still… Yes ! a soft violet ripple… I’m Kind of amazed.”
Blair Hornbuckle, Publisher
“Very relaxed, Joyful. I was momentarily disappointed at not seeing colors, then an elusive flash of lavender answered my fears. Awe – inspiring. Golden- glow around head and shoulders, lavender “cap” on crown, very beautiful.”
Amy Kinney, Worker
“See the brightness / energy surrounding humans, mostly soft pastel colors.”
Bill Sanders, Jewelry designer
“I always wanted to see auras but doubted that I could. I took the class still doubting but I saw some auras. This is great!” Sheila Benvenuti, Banker, Rochester, N.Y. “A calming experience, able to see the colors of auras more frequently and easily. Offer the course more often. Like a magnetic field pulling and pushing.”
Rick Collins, Carpenter
“Very interesting – Did see some color, Enlightened, Enlightened.”
Ralph Annechino, Accountant and Business Consultant
“This is fascinating 1 like seeing the aura. Excellent course and I appreciate the learning experience. I saw golden light first and then color, different colors on different people.”
Pat Annechino, Accountant
“The aura seemed to be pushing. The energy felt like it does when two magnets repel each other. I did not see the aura except for a patch of violet beside one person.”
Donna Gates, Montessori School Teacher
“Skepticism – Elation.”
Jewell Di Ponzio, Co-owner Manager of a Retreat Center
“The aura was there to see and I was surprised by the changes that constantly occurred in the auras.”
Wendy Conte, Mother, Bookkeeper
“I was able to see auras more dramatically and distinctly than ever before. Very bright colors.”
Marita Becker, Certified Hypnotherapist
As an Author:
Forever Healthy Introduction to Maharishi Ayur-Veda Consciousness-based Health Care
I strongly recommend this book both for health care professionals and individuals who wish to improve their own health and well being. In Forever Healthy, Dr. Reddy and Mr. Kendz have given us a practical guide to achieving excellent physical health and longevity.
John Hagelin
President of Maharishi University of Management
Honorary Chair of the Board of Trustees
AB summa cum laude, Physics, Dartmouth College
MA, PhD, Physics, Harvard University
Doctorate of World Peace, Maharishi University of World Peace
“An excellent introduction to Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care, for the physician and for the lay person. The principles of the Maharishi Ayur-Veda approach are explained thoroughly in clear, simple, delightful language that makes the book enjoyable to read and easy to understand. . . . Also valuable for those in leadership positions, both in business and in government, because this approach is easily incorporated into existing systems of health care and offers tremendous practical benefits for the health of society as a whole.”
Kurleigh King, Ph.D.
Director-General, Institute of World Leadership
Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa
Secretary-General, Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), 1978–1983
Fairfield, Iowa 52556